Oppo mobile phone with a red cover, iLost-i jakinarazi zaion moduan

Oppo mobile phone with a red cover

I arrived at Lunteren train station (Platform 1) and saw a red phone on the waiting chairs. It was a few minutes after the bleu train "Valleilijn" departed towards Ede. The phone has two SIM cards: Orange (operated by KPN in the Netherlands) and Vodafone. Both SIM cards are not from the Netherlands but it might be that one of them is from Egypt. Date: Sunday 15 September 2024 Time: between 16:35 and 16:45 Place : Luteren train station - Platform 1

Lunteren, Lunteren train station, Herbehereak inguruan edo inguruko herritar batek aurkitu du goi mailako herritar batek

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