저희 서비스를 통해514,148명이 분실물을 다시 찾았습니다!

iLost는 분실한 소지품을 찾을 수 있도록 도움을 드리는 서비스입니다

저희 서비스에 대한 고객들의 평가는 5점 만점에 4.5점입니다.

Perfect service
Amazing !
Thanks for your help
found my hearing device back
Quite good but also a little frustrating
I was happy when I finally received my items. Thank you Arriva and to whoever found my belongings
Heel blij mee
great! renews your trust inhumanity. excellent work by city of amsterdam too.
Quick reaction!
Good experience, got my item back with no problem.
Great Website with excellent reach
Was able to find my bag that I left on the tram after a few weeks
very efficient
Simple and amazing!
Super service ! binnen 24 uur mijn tas weer terug
super geregeld

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언제나. 어디서나. 어디로나.

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