E-Bike E-Fiets Fiets |  Saxonette Comfort | Gray, jak zgłoszono do iLost

E-Bike E-Fiets Fiets | Saxonette Comfort | Gray

We found this e-bike today in the forest at the goffert park. It was unlocked, lying a few meters away from the path among the shrubbery. It looks like it has been stolen elsewhere and then discarded here. We took it to our home, just around the corner, for safe keeping. - It has a sticker from the Fietsenmaker Grootstal, we will bring it there on monday to see if they can identify the owners based on the frame ID.

Znaleziony w lub w pobliżu Nijmegen, Steinweglaan, Holandia przez uczciwego obywatela w dniu

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